Nippon 2007, the first Worldcon in Japan

Our activities

· Prospectus
There are several reasons why you should choose Japan.
Holding prospectus.(Translate selected passages. Published in PHILCON.)
Welcome to YOKOHAMA!
·  Establishment of NPO
We've been legally registered as a Non-Profit Organization (NPO) !
· Pre-support
Pre-supporter collection was finished.
Thank you so much.

· Pre-supporting members list
· Pre-supporting Lost Members
People with no contact information.
· We need your help
We need your help. Please join our committee.
Comments for this site (point out typo, bad expressions, etc.) are very appreciated.
The present committee & agent members

Please send your inquiry, comments, etc. to
(Please delete =NOSPAM= from your mailer's To: field for reduce incoming spam mails.)
Thank you for your cooperation.

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